You know those times in life when you get a big wakeup call…..

We recently experienced one of those times, and rather than harboring anger and resentment, we chose to turn inward, to see the bigger picture, and use that particular life lesson as an opportunity to learn and grow.

We saw it as an opportunity to reconnect with our authentic self and continue the inner work. The universe always has your back and conspires to help us be the best version of ourselves. Low and behold, days after an unexpected situation which left us feeling lost and disillusioned, we bumped into an old friend who suggested a great meditation app, Insight Timer, to add to our phone.  It has truly been a gift from above, and now every morning upon waking we hit the play button. With 32,000 different titles to choose from we are most certainly making best use of the various guided meditation this app provides.

It had been quite a while since we had done any form of meditation at all and now that we are back doing it, wow does it feel great! It goes without saying, what you practice grows stronger. Mindfulness isn’t just about paying attention, it is about how we pay attention. The question is, ‘what do you want to grow?’ Our intention sets the stage for what is possible.

Thankyou to Abdullah Evindar for the stunning image.

#manifestyourintention #selfcare #nurture